In a normal setting, you pay when you make a call. But in this guide, you will be simply guided on the various methods on how to make free calls while the receiver pays on MTN, Glo, Airtel, and 9mobile.
This method has been in place for some time now with a lot of people not aware of the trending development. It’s not a cheat or trick. By not being a cheat or trick, I simply mean that it is an official and authorized development from our network carriers (MTN, Airtel, Glo, 9mobile).
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Another interesting aspect of the development is that you can make a call with the settings even if you don’t have airtime on your SIM card.
The update is supported by all network carriers. Meaning, you can make a call for free while the receiver pays irrespective of the network you are using whether it be Glo, MTN, Airtel, or 9mobile.
But while the update has pros, it also has cons. But the good thing there is that, the pros are more than the cons of the update. Let quickly see the pros and cons.
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Pros And Cons On How To Make Calls While The receiver Pays
- One of the major pros encountered in the update is that you can make a call while the receiver pays. Something that has never happened.
- Another pro is that the method powers your line to make the call even if your account balance reads 0.0 naira
- The cons encountered in the update is that you can’t use it to call other networks. This implies that, if you are an MTN subscriber, you can only use the method to call only your fellow MTN subscribers and vice versa.
- The person receiving the call has the full right to either accept the option of accepting or rejecting the call.
How To Make Free Calls While The Receiver Pays On MTN, Glo, Airtel, And 9mobile
Without talking much, let’s simply head over to how to make free calls while the receiver pays on MTN, Glo, Airtel, and 9mobile.
For The MTN Subscribers
For the MTN subscribers, this is an MTN-to-MTN service that lets you ask the person you’re about to call to pay for the phone call. To simply get it, simply dial *127*the person’s phone number#
That’s is, dial *127*(cellphone number)#,
The person you are calling will either press 1’ to accept your call or ’0’ to reject it. If they don’t have airtime they’ll receive a missed call SMS. Kindly note that the person you are calling has the right to accept or reject the call if he or she wishes.
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For The Airtel Subscribers
For the Airtel subscribers, this is an Airtel-to-Airtel service that lets you ask the person you’re about to call to pay for the phone call. To simply get it, simply dial, # as a prefix to the person’s phone number and send the call. Putting# before the number and then call the line.
That’s is, dial #(cellphone number), and then send the call. #07014222889 and then send the call.
If the person has airtime, he will be asked to either accept to pay for the incoming call or reject it. Kindly note that, if the recipient or the person you are calling doesn’t have airtime, a voice care service will notify you and the call will be terminated thereafter.
For The Glo Subscribers
For the Glo subscribers, this is a Glo-to-Glo service that lets you ask the person you’re about to call to pay for the phone call. To simply get it, simply dial 7733 as a prefix to the number before dialing it.
That’s is, dial 7733(cellphone number), and then send the call.
773308051239291 and then send the call.
The person you are calling will be given the option to either accept or reject your call. If he accepts, he will pay for the call. If he rejects it, the call won’t go through.
For The 9Mobile Subscribers
For the 9mobile subscribers, this is a 9mobile-to-9mobile service that lets you ask the person you’re about to call to pay for the phone call. To simply get it, simply dial 268 as a prefix to the number 0818 924 6490.
That’s is, dial or add 268(cellphone number), and send the call
2680818 924 6490 and send the call.
Immediately the user picks the call a voicemail will inform the person to either accept to pay for the call or reject it. If he accepts then the call will go through. If he doesn’t, the call ends or cancels.
I hope you have now come to the full knowledge of how you can make free calls while the receiver pays on MTN, Glo, Airtel, and 9mobile
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Please where can i get or download the app
I doesn’t require any
It doesn’t require any app. It is done via a USSD code