Sometimes one could love not to reveal his caller ID while making a call. The reasons could just be best known to him or her. Just like me, I once hid my number from my friends when I called them. For various purposes, one can wish to hide his caller ID.
You as well as reading this post could want to hide your number when making a call but since you are ignorant on how to go about it or due to some other factors, you are unable to do it. So if you want to hide your number while making a call, just read carefully to get everything.
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How To Hide Your Caller ID
The method that I will be showing you to hide your caller ID or number applies to all networks, be it MTN, Airtel, Glo, and 9mobile. The steps are easy and simple, just read through.
This method proves to be one of the simplest methods to easily hide your phone number when making a call. To do that, simply dial the USSD code on your phone #31# along with the number you want to hide your identity from and send the call.
E.g #31#07000099889 and dial the number.

When you send the call, your identity or caller ID will show as “Private Number”, “Restricted”, or “Unknown Number”.
Even if the person you are calling has saved your number into his contact list, your identity or number will appear as a private number or unknown number.
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Alternatively, you can also hide your number via phone settings. To do this, simply go to Settings > Call Settings > Caller ID. Toggle on the caller ID button by selecting> Hide number.
For the iOS users, Go to Settings > Phone > Show My Caller ID. To hide your number toggle off the caller ID button and you will automatically go anonymous when you call anybody.

Kindly note that hiding your caller ID via phone settings hides your number when you dial any phone number. Meaning when you call any of your contacts, they will see your number as private.
Hence hiding your caller ID via USSD code is recommended or preferably because it hides your number to only specific people and not your contacts in general.
That’s all on how you can hide your number when making a call.