Home Tech information How To Borrow Credit Units On Prepaid Meter | PHED Meter

How To Borrow Credit Units On Prepaid Meter | PHED Meter

How to borrow credit units from your prepaid meter

The advent of the prepaid meter has given electricity consumers control over their utility usage and expenditure, to make it more captivating, it also allows users to borrow credit units with their prepaid meter during emergency period after they must have exhausted their electricity credit.

This unexpected event could catch you up probably when you are watching your favorite tv show, football match, cooking, or probably using electricity for some other important purpose. To worsen the case, it happened late at night or probably when you don’t have money to recharge your meter and you badly need electricity right away.

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At this moment in time, one would desperately want to borrow credit units from their prepaid meter. Unfortunately, some prepaid meter users are quite unknowledgeable of how to borrow electricity tokens from their meter.

Luckily, a ready solution comes in. Let’s find out how you can seemingly borrow units from PHED prepaid meter.

How to borrow credit units from your Prepaid meter

Borrowing prepaid meter credit is very simple. To do that;

  • Swiftly head down to your prepaid meter
  • Now press the code #414# on the prepaid meter and hit enter
  • Immediately you will be given 5 credit units of electricity as power will be restored in your house
  • NB: The borrowed units will be charged from you upon your next recharge. You can do well to check our other edition on how to find and recharge your prepaid meter with ease

The 5 credit units of electricity is quite small and usually last within 2-3 days, although that is dependent on how you consume electricity in your home. Also, you can’t borrow twice without paying for your outstanding debts after exhausting the first loaned units.

How to check your PHED prepaid meter balance

At some point in time, you might want to check or find out your current meter balance so you can know when you are likely to run out of light. To do that, simply press or enter 07 using the meter keyboard and your prepaid meter balance will be displayed on the screen.

Final thoughts

Once again, #414# is the code you can use to get electricity credit unit.

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