Home Tech information How To Check Your Electricity/Prepaid Meter Number In Nigeria, and Recharge

How To Check Your Electricity/Prepaid Meter Number In Nigeria, and Recharge

How to check your prepaid meter number in Nigeria

Finding your Prepaid meter number should never be a problem but when the the meter card is lost or not found, it could result in some difficulties. I will be unraveling everything seriatim.

Since the introduction of the prepaid meter in Nigeria, electricity users in the country have witnessed significant benefits particularly on electricity billings.

Unlike before where there were no prepaid meters, people who utilize electricity had little or no control over how they were billed or charged by the electricity company.

Previously, people were given estimated monthly electricity bills. And since it was estimated, the electricity company will just charge users any presumable amount they deemed was used by the household. This sometimes caused trouble for most users most especially if they didn’t consume a desired amount of electricity for that month.

Also, failure to pay your electricity bill as of when due will result in power disconnection from your home.

But consequent to the introduction of the electricity meters, that hassle has been drastically alleviated. With the prepaid meters, you only pay for the total amount of energy units that you consume. That’s saying, you pay only when you exhaust your units. And also, nobody will cut or drop down your electricity wires due to an overdue electricity bill.

With that, you can now see the impact of the prepaid meter on the lives of Nigerian electricity utilizers.

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However, being ignorant of certain functions on how to operate the meter could cause little problems for people.

Some people are having problems recharging their electricity meters, not because they don’t have money or time, but because they don’t know their prepaid meter number. Although each prepaid meter comes with a card alongside a unique meter number.

But when the meter card is not found or missing so you can quickly copy out the meter number for a top-up or recharge, frustration now looms.

That’s why I will quickly show you how you can check your prepaid meter number, how to recharge your meter.

How to check your prepaid meter number

To find your meter number in Nigeria;

  • Simply head over to your prepaid meter
  • Key in or type 65 and then tap send. Some meters have blue as the send button. If yours isn’t blue, then the button for send should be like this
  • Your meter number will immediately display on the screen of the meter. It’s usually an eleven 11 digits number
  • You can then copy out the number for a recharge

To Recharge your prepaid meter

  • Simply copy out your meter number or better still take your prepaid meter card to any Electricity Distribution Companies (DisCos) outlets
  • Present them your prepaid meter number or card and how many energy units you want to buy
  • The agent will generate a 20 digit token for your meter
  • Now go and enter the 20 digit token into your meter using the physical keyboard on the meter
  • If the recharge was successful you will get the pop-up notification ACCEPT. On the other way round, if the operation or attempt was unsuccessful, you will get the notification REJECT. The reason for being rejected could be as a result of an incorrectly entered recharge token so do well to carefully check the token while you make a retry.

Alternatively, you can conveniently and securely recharge your prepaid meter online by using your bank. For Wema bank users, do check out how you can recharge your meter with Wema bank online or via USSD code.


I believe all your quest on how to find your meter number and how to recharge as well has been solved in this post. For more inquiries let’s hear your thoughts in the comments section.



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